i read almost every study about all the compounds i use before put it on my head.try to use PUBMED U.S. National Library of Medicine to find studies about everything u planning to use and know all the risks and safety issues!
The medications i use its not for everyone!
googling googling googling googling googling
Dont try-use anything because somebody like me use it! Maybe i am 2 stupid to playing with my hormones(even a little bit) to gain some hair, but for me making experiments, learning and trying new things when other believes that something is impossible gives me life to live! Everything is Possible!
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” Albert Einstein
I Dont start all the medications at the once... I used Ketoconazole 2% (Nizoral) EOD for over 6 months before start the BIG3+ and maybe ketoconazole prepair the ground for me:) You will badly irritate your scalp skin if you start all the medications together!
Specially the tretinoin (RETIN-A) is very very irritating! I apply it only at afternoons @ home coz its photosensitive! I started applying it one time every 2-3 days and slowly increase the dose! I use tretinoin only on temples!
A good starting point is to try Ketoconazole Shampoo and Minoxdil Lotion at the beginning of "therapy" ... therapy or cure doesnt exist really... you and me just delay the hair loss progress for some years and if you are lucky you will regrow some hair, but with current medications its not possible to save the hair forever!
I am not a doctor! I am a graphic arts analyst, Electronics Engineering graduate of univeristy of thessaloniki. I am 28 years old diffuse thinner, i dont reply to messages about hair loss here... i dont sell anything... i just share my thoughts and experiences +hope to give you some ideas to make your own research! If you have questions, as you should... open a Topic @ some of many hair loss forums out there... Its always better to hear opinions from more than 1! The most of the guys at hair loss forums are more experienced than me and almost everything i know now, i learned it there! what works for me will not necessary works for you! if u lose your hair long time ago its more difficult and maybe impossible to regrow hair with current medications! But i am sure that there are alot of people out there who are in the same situation with me... For me the minoxidil (in combination with tretinoin @ temples) certainly works on temples and hairline, and not only @ vertex as the instructions says! More applications = more than 2 per day works better for me also... as you can see in my pictures!
I never had serious sides from minoxidil except some light itch+inflammations, so i can apply it many many times without problem! You maybe have sides with only one application per day! Everyone is so different!
I believe that application order of topicals dont have a big
importance! So i dont care alot of what i apply to my hair first and what 2nd!
i Just apply it and it works... What counts is the sum of what you put on your head at the end of the month!
I feel lucky coz i start the regimen at the begining of the problem...
The most notable results are at the temples... where i regrow alot of new hairs:)
The combination therapy gives always better results!!!
I am at the begining right now... less than 5 months... nobody knows what will happen in the future... but i hope for more :)
SAFE and Side effect free natural DHT BLOCKER = BIG LIE and Does Not Exist
whatever lower your dht, testosterone... naturally or chemically will have the same side effect on libido, semen, mood etc... its the low dht what cause the sides not the drug...*one small study talks about gynecomastia with topical exposure of lavender and tea tree oils
+The only natural products are the real foods... not the natural pills, natural shampoos, natural vitamins and all the other natural bullshits the trying to sell us...They are not naturals!
*Side Effects of herbs and "natural products"
i tested saw palmetto for more than 6 months in dose of 2000-3000mg every day but nothing happened... no sides... no low libido... no watery results... only stomach bad feeling!
after a week of use finatseride 0.5mg i saw watery semen, like the semen after 2nd 3d 4rth 5th etc ejaculation with or without my girlfriend:) means that something happens here... something works! but after 3+ months of use finasteride semen seems more normal now, not so watery like at the beginning:)
Some years ago everybody believes that the world is a big big cube, today all believes that its a big big sphere! we believes that we know everything now, we know the truth bla bla bla with our little Intelligence the same way everybody believes and were so sure that the world is a big big cube some years ago, and they were wrong of course! we are wrong 2 now for many many many many things! *The parachutes and human brains always works better when they are open!
And please... Smile Smile Smile and SMILE! Make the world more beautiful for Free, a smile dont cost anything! a Smile make the others happy:) and make the earth rotate with more positive energy! We all live @ the same Earth *in Different worlds maybe but on the same Earth definitely
My Regimen
0.5mg Finasteride EOD (every other day)
@1-Jan-2010 start dissolve 5mg ProscAR (crushed powder) in 1.5L table water and drinking 150ml "FinaWater" EOD
(150ml = 0.5mg finasteride)
Before Drinking the "FinaWater" i shake the bottle very well:)
(i had sides with 1.25mg =1/4 proscar EOD like low libido etc.... so now i use 0.5mg EOD with only side some watery semen! Libido is GOOD:) )
the dose is so different for everyone
i am 1.77m 68kg so if you are a bigger guy you maybe need a bigger dose...
I use proscar generic FINAR to save cost...
the cost is 35$ for 30 x 5mg tabs at local pharmacy
i dissolve finasteride because its impossible to cut the proscar to 10 pieces and i believe that the liquid finasteride abrosbs and metabolizes better!
*from finasteride datasheet i read that "Finasteride Solubility=Partially insoluble in water" dont says how mg/L but i belive that 5mg is well solube in 1.5L water, in the case its not well solube in 1.5L i shake the bottle before the use:)
*until 31-dec-2009 i dissolved 1 proscar 5mg (crushed) in 10ml VODKA and every other day i drink 1ml with alot of water
*Finasteride dont lose its effectiveness in alcohol, ethanol based liquids, at least for me coz i see it to works!
*The finasteride(propecia) FDA approved dose for hairloss = 1mg every day
*i use 0.5mg EOD = 4 times lower dose!
*anti androgens-dht sucks but its the only way i know to help my hair so far:(
*my theory about finasteride: Its impossible to have 100% good results & regrowth +finasteride works, without side effects like low libido, watery semen, +++
so... take a half dose of what gives u sides, if you dont have sides now this is the right dose for u, if u still have sides make the dose half again... until find the right dose which dont gives u sides (half dose without sides of previus one which gives you sides) this way the finateride will working for you without sides but not 100%! But.. u can help it topically and go above 100% !
so say finasteride dose without sides works 70%, u can add topical finsteride, ketoconazole, fish oils, minoxidil, spironolctone lotions or whatever works topically for hair loss and go far above the 100% that finasteride with side effects gives you alone.... this is what i do:)
this dose can be 0.1mg for some and 15mg for other. every body is so different, but merck cant sell different propecia for everyone so they sell the average dose which is 1mg, but its not suitable for other have many sides and other dont have sides but dont have regrowth also! u must Find your dose!
this dose can be 0.1mg for some and 15mg for other. every body is so different, but merck cant sell different propecia for everyone so they sell the average dose which is 1mg, but its not suitable for other have many sides and other dont have sides but dont have regrowth also! u must Find your dose!
(if somebody can explain what i mean in simply english i will be very happy to hear you:)
my english its no so good:(
my english its no so good:(
*final word = "Taking Propecia is not like taking a vitamin pill. It’s a serious decision that should be based on a careful study of some of the excellent literature out there on various hair-loss web sites and discussion forums."
From this graph u see that the dose of finasteride dont make a big difference, the doses above 0.2mg have almost the same efficacy on the scalp DHT with 5mg
From this graph also u see that the dose of finasteride dont make a big difference, the doses above 0.2mg have almost the same efficacy on the serum DHT with 5mg
2) MINOXIDIL 5%++®
Minοxidil 5% x1 per daytopically
Finasteride 0.025% x1 per daytopically
Ketoconazole 1% x1 per daytopically
*i mix: 3 proscar tabs = 15mg finasteride
in 60ml of minoxidil lotion
*i mix: 3 fungoral (nizoral) tabs = 600mg ketoconazole
in 60ml of minoxidil lotion
*from 1sep2009 until 31dec2009 i applied minox-5% + fina-0.025% two times every day, from 1jan2010 i apply it 1 time per day! i start maintanace routin now because i regrow alot hair in the first 4 months+i regrow very few unwanted hairs also!
I crush 3 proscar and 3 fungoral tabs to make it a powder and then put this powder to minoxidil bottle and shake it well!
i buy kirkland minoxidil from ebay = 55$ for 12x60ml :)
i believe that all minoxidil lotions are almost the same... they uses the same substances so i buy the cheapest one and its works pretty well! My friends who uses very expensive minoxidil never had better results!
i spend a bottle of minoxidil in less than 15 days so the solution of minox+finasteride is always fresh... not like the ready lotions which lose their effectiveness because the active compounds stay together in the same bottle for a long long time + i know for sure that my solution contain exactly 0.025% finasteride. I dont belive that the ready lotions uses the amount they mention on the label coz finasteride is expensive! So they inadvertently maybe contain less than 0.1% :) the companies cares only about money! they dont give a shit about me and you!
*when i stop the use of orally taken finasteride ( i am planing to stop it after few months when i gain some more hair) i will increase the amount of finasteride in minox to 0.05% or maybe 0.1%
*ketokonazole tabs in minox lotion added @ 29-Dec-2009
*study about ketokonazole lotion
*study about minox+finasteride+tretinoin
*minoxidil discontinued @ week 96
*i stop using ketoconazole shampoo from 31-DEC-2009 because i start using more potent ketoconazole lotion now!
But i used the shampoo for 1 year and have only good words to say about it, i believe that it helped me alot!
Generic Ketoconazole Shampoo 2% EOD (in 100ml shampoo i add 20ml Olive Oil)
*Ketoconazole inhibits the production of testosterone
*Japanese nizoral study with picture
*The olive oil helps to avoid dry hair + have vitamin E + maybe the oil works as vehicle to deliver the ketokonazole to hair follicle better
i use generic ketoconazole shampoo BOTADERM= 10$ for 180ml @ local pharmacy
*with oil inside the shampoo its possibe to wash my hair everyday with ketokonazole 2% without dry hair effect
*the olive oil dont leave my hair oily... instead the feeling its very very good:)
*the ketoconazole has very short half life, one study says that when taken orally the testosterone levels returns to normal level after 24h. So the same must happen when we apply ketoconazole topically! This means that we need to use ketoconazole every day or maybe every 12 hours to keep the testosterone level on the scalp low.This is the reason i include ketoconazole 1% in minox lotion! I believe 1% ketoconazole lotion 2 times per day is far more poten than ketoconazole shampoo
*I thought to completely stop the use of ketoconazole 2% shampoo soon coz it use SLS and instead uses some non SLS, ALS shampoo because i start to apply ketoconazole 1% lotion now:) SLS, ALS seems very harmful for the hair, and not only:(
*ketoconazole = nizoral ( sold in greece as fungoral )
@ 29-Dec-2009 ionil shampoo added to use it 1 time per week!
i will give it a try to see how it works!
ionil = 4.25% Coal Tar, 2% Salicylic acid
ionil cost 7$ @ local pharmacy
ionil smells like unleaded gasoline
2% Nizoral Shampoo Increases Hair Growth in Men with Male Pattern Baldness
- Site of action of low dose ketoconazole on androgen biosynthesis in men.
- Ketoconazole blocks testosterone synthesis.
- In vitro inhibition of testosterone biosynthesis by ketoconazole.
- Steroid synthesis inhibition by ketoconazole: sites of action.
*BIG3= Finasteride, Minoxidil, Ketoconazole
4) Tretinoin
1x tretinoin cream 0.05% applications @ temples only, every day
azelaic acid= SKINOREN cost 10$ 30g @ Local pharmacy
tretinoin= RETIN-A cost 4$ 20g @ Local pharmacy
I believe that applying the azelaic acid, tretinoin separately its more effective than apply all in one lotion which include minoxidil + tretinoin + azelaic acid + finasteride in the same bottle! I think with my low intelligence that azelaic acid and tretinoin cream and gel with there own vehicle penetrate the skin better and not interact with minoxidil for long time in the same bottle like the ready premixed lotions do. The premixed lotions which include minox + tretinoin + azelaic + finasteride are very very expensive for long time "therapy" and lose their effectiveness because all the active compound stay in the same solution for very long time!
*The azelaic acid, tretinoin cream and gel are available at local pharmacy for very small cost and i am always sure that i buy real fresh staff from my neighborhood pharmacy!
@ 1-Jan-2010 stop using azelaic acid because now i use ketoconazole lotion which is more potent anti androgen than azelaic acid
@ 1-Jan-2010 lower minox applications from 5 to 2, i have very good regrowth, dont need so much minox anymore:)
@16-JAN-2010 lower tretinoin applications from 2 to 1
@16-JAN-2010 lower minox application on temples from 2 to 1 everyday...
*One study showed not a double but a triple minoxidil absorption with 0.05% tretinoin as compared with a control vehicle.
*good infos about tretinoin @ Smart Skin Care Forums
Clinical studies:
- Topical tretinoin for hair growth promotion.
- Influence of tretinoin on the percutaneous absorption of minoxidil from an aqueous topical solution.
- Treatment of alopecia with a minoxidil-tretinoin combination.
- Retinoids: compounds important to hair growth.
*i used it only for month from 16 DEC 2009 until 16 JAN 2010
@ 16 DEC 2009 i Start Using corticosteroid FUCICORT = Betamethasone as valerate 0.1% + Fusidic acid 2% on temples only, 2 times per day after tretinoin application to boost the regrowth on temples!
I will give it a try for a month! corticosteroids must be used for a short time, a one month is safe i think, and the combination of betamethasone and tretinoin act to cancel each other negative side effects. If corticosteroid used for a long time it can make the condition worse! ...but some studies talk about corticosteroid high level of safety and efficacy in long-term management
*more info about corticosteroid + tretinoin here
*There are reports that Hair loss restoration treatment with combination therapy always gives enhanced benefits. Hair loss restoration treatment with 0.05% betamethasone dipropionate and 5% topical minoxidil are found to be superior to minoxidil alone.
*A sequential combination of topical tretinoin and a potent topical corticosteroid improves photodamaged facial skin
@31-dec-2009 start using derma roller 0.3mm on temples only EOD before the minox , betamethasone and tretinoin application (DermaRoller->Minox->Betamethasone->Tretinoin)
DermaRoller enhance minox, betamethsone and tretinoin absorbtion. Because it creates micro wounds @ skin maybe in combination with betamethasone which is light immunosuppressive it works like light version of Hair Genesis pattent of Follica!
5000mg COD LIVER OIL Every day orally (5x1000mg caps)cod liver oil is the best natural source of vitamin D3, Vitamin A, EPA and DHA
*EPA reduces inflammation
*the use of COD LIVER OIL have many benefits... googling it to find some:)
*my joints feels very lubricated since I started the use of cod liver oil
Before to wash my hair (10-60 minutes) i apply COD LIVER OIL+ALOE to my scalp! Every 2 Days. Sometime every day! This way i believe remaining topical lotions on the scalp absorbs better coz the COD LIVER OIL works as a carrier - vehicle for the remaining topical lotions on the scalp+ it helps to prevent inflammations+give many vitamins to my hair+moisturize them:) but... this shit = (COD LIVER OIL) smells very bad:( And after all i use a regular anti-dandruff shampoo like Ultrex or Garnier Fructis! Ultrex, Garnier Fructis is Zinc pyrithione shampoo like the Head and Shoulders but the zinc dont affect the good results like many says... I believe that zinc dont really interact with minoxidil, the only study who talk about use minoxidil and zinc compound together says that "No advantage was seen in using both the 5% minoxidil topical solution and the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo" + "Hair count results showed a significant net increase in total visible hair counts for the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo, the 5% minoxidil topical solution, and the combination treatment"
*which mean that no advantage was seen in combination treatment over the use of minoxidil alone = the same results occurs when using minoxidil alone and minoxidil+zinc. The 2 substances just dont have synergic effect...
*i dont believe that zinc works alot really! the study says that "hair count for the 1% pyrithione zinc shampoo was slightly less than half that for the minoxidil"
*i mix COD LIVER OIL with ALOE VERA juice
(100ml cod liver oil + 30ml aloe vera whole leaf juice)
i stolen some aloe vera leafs from my neighborhood put in a blender and make my own aloe vera whole leaf juice
*I also believe that Cod Liver Oil is more potent than Emu Oil, but the flavor must change... maybe i will mix it with essential oil (like peppermint oil) to change it flavor coz its smell really bad:P
*also Cod Liver Oil is cheap and available @ Local Pharmacy, but still smells BAD!
*some infos about topically applied fish oils
*also i start to eat salmon which is the best natural source of DHA, EPA omega 3 and may many more!
*Vitamin A for better control Eczema
Knowledge is experience, everything else is information.” Albert Einstein
***Many times i use aloe vera on temples 30-60min after minox apply!
This helps minox to absorb better coz the aloe works as a vehicle for the remaining minox on the surface of my skin and prevent irritation of temples, yes i use many topicals and all this shit can make your skin very sensitive!
*I applied minox directly after the shower on wet scalp... from 1sep2009 until 31dec2009 its absorbs much better this way! And maybe applying minox 5% on wet scalp its like applying minox 15% on dry scalp! i have a great regrowth and no need so much minox anymore! i start maintanance:) now i apply minox @ afternoon after the works 2+ hours before shower!
(i never had serious sides from minox on wet scalp)
(i never had serious sides from minox on wet scalp)
*For hairstyling i use aloe vera gel! Its the best!!!!
*i start use hairstyling gel the last month... coz i have more hair now:)
*at the morning i apply aloe vera as hairstyling gel before leaving for work and after that i apply minoxidil lotion!
*i start use hairstyling gel the last month... coz i have more hair now:)
*at the morning i apply aloe vera as hairstyling gel before leaving for work and after that i apply minoxidil lotion!
I dont plan to follow this regimen for a long time... its not practical and easy in any way! But it works great so i will follow it to regrow as many hairs as posible! Then i am planning to prepair a mixed lotion with almost everthing i use now inside 1 topical lotion to maintain what i gain without the use of propylene glycol and ethanol but instead using liposmose or niosome carrier or maybe some essential oil... im still looking for some skin friendly liquid vehicle to dissolve minox and finasteride inside... if you know some i will be happy to hear yoU! the only one that i have in my mind this time is soy lecithin carrier which work as liposome!
*i also have plans to use Prostaglandin PGF2a analogue = Latanoprost = Bimatoprost = Dinoprost = Travoprost = LATISSE
*i also have plans to use Prostaglandin PGF2a analogue = Latanoprost = Bimatoprost = Dinoprost = Travoprost = LATISSE
Prostaglandin PGF2a analogues maybe have similar action with minoxidil... but for now i have great response from minoxidil and dont need Prostaglandins yet
if you want to experience you may try Estrumate = synthetic prostaglandin F2alpha analog, Dinolytic and many other Prostaglandin PGF2a which is similar to Bimatoprost, Latanoprost!
if you want to experience you may try Estrumate = synthetic prostaglandin F2alpha analog, Dinolytic and many other Prostaglandin PGF2a which is similar to Bimatoprost, Latanoprost!
This is not part of the regimen! But maybe helps a little bit:)
*I Drink alot cups of Black TEA(=maybe weak antiDHT) every day since my very young age! This maybe maintain my hair until my 28 when i start lose it! my father is norwood 6!
*I eat alot Broccoli also (Broccoli= maybe very weak AntiDHT) (Broccoli=Vitamin C+++)
i cook it in microwave... try it... its smells great and its ready in only 5min:)
*I Drink Alot of RED WINE! About a bottle 750ml of red wine every day!
The French paradox refers to the comparatively lower incidence of coronary heart disease in France despite high levels of saturated fat in the traditional French diet. Some epidemiologists suspect that this difference is due to the higher consumption of wines by the French
I will trying to send updates every month to see the progress!
Good luck:) & SMILE!!!
Η χωρα του φραπε και του ελληναρα που τα θελει ΟΛΑ ετοιμα χωρις να κουνησει τα @@ του!
Ελαντα... η χωρα που ολοι τα ξερουν ΟΛΑ!
Ελαντα... ρουσφετια κομματόσκυλα και μοστρα με την beba...
Ελαντα... η χωρα που γεννησε τον πολιτισμο και θελει να εχει την αποκλειστικότητα για τα κακουργήματα του φασιστα αλεξανδρου κτλπ...κτλπ...
Αυτα που κανουν κυριος δουλεια για την τριχοπτωση στους κροταφους ειναι μινοξιδιλη και τρετινοινη σε μενα τουλαχιστον!
Ειναι παρα πολλα αυτα που χρησιμοποιώ και δεν ξεκίνησα εννοειτε απο τη μια μερα στην αλλη με ολα αυτα αλλα τα προσθετω σταδιακα... Ξεκινησα με φινα,μινοξ και κετοκοναζολη! ολα τα αλλα ηρθαν στην πορεία! Αν ειναι να δοκιμάσετε τρετινοινη διαβάστε καλα της οδηγίες,,, ειναι πολυ πολυ ερεθιστική και μπορει να γινει το κεφαλι σας κατακοκκινο, εγω ξεκινησα βαζοντας μια φορα στις 2-3 μερες!
Δεν ειναι καθολου πρακτικη και ευκολη η "θεραπεια"... αλλα εχει αποτελεσμα σε μωλις 3 μηνες εχω δει αυτα που δεν πιστευα πως γινονται γιατι ολοι μιλανε για δραση των φαρμακων μονο στο vertex κατι που διαψεύδω φυσικα! μινοξ φινα κετοκοναζολη τρετινοινη δουλευουν παντου! ο στοχος μου ειναι να δυναμώσω το μαλι οσο παει και μετα να κανω συντήρηση μονο με τοπικα! Μια λοσιον ισως που να τα περιεχει ολα μεσα για ευκολια. Εχω στο μιαλο μου χρηση φλουταμιδης-φινας τοπικα σαν anti DHT και σαν growth stimulant μινοξιδιλη η προσταγλανδινη (λατανοπροστ) αλλα ολα αυτα σε διαλημα χωρις οινοπνευμα και προπυλενικη γλυκολη γιατι μακροπροθεσμα σιγουρα λιώνουν τα παντα-στο κεφαλι μας λιωνουν τα παντα εννοω( διαλύτες ειναι αφου:) αλλα δεν εχω βρει ακομα κατι καλο να διαλυω τις ουσιες μεσα... και φυσικα λουσιμο με κετοκοναζολη! για ενα καλο αποτελεσμα πιστευω χριαζετε συνδιασμος ουσιων με διαφορετικη δραση που ομως η καθε μια να εχει ευεργετικη δραση για το μαλι μας... Μην περιμεντε να βγει κατι ετοιμο να κανει πραγματικη δουλεια! Δεν συμφερει το οικονομικο μας συστημα και οποιος το βαζει με αυτο δεν εχει καλο τελος η μαλλον δεν εχει καν αρχη:) οποτε οτι καλο κανουμε με ανταλαγη πληροφοριων μεταξυ μας μιας και εχουμε αυτη την δυνατοτητα ευτηχως!
2 july 2009 before big 3
23aug 2009 before BIG3
1sep 2009! Just Start BIG3 The hairs are dry here..
After a month on BIG3. Pictures are after minox application... Ι lost a lot of hairs all this time...I had a massive shed... lose more than 300 hairs daily! The hairs that i lose was terminal normal hairs with a white bulb at the end = telogen effluvium = shed because of use finasteride and minoxidil. i dont lose many miniaturized hairs!
Before start the big 3 i lose around and maybe less than 100 hairs daily!
3oct 2009
3oct2009 This is few of the hairs after the shower.
Now i see less than 10 hairs after the shower!
2 December 2009
Start to see postive results!
Situation > better than baseline!
No more shed... i lose less than 100 hairs daily!
I see only few hairs after shower!
*pircures are after application of minox+tretinoin (RETIN A) at temples area only!
The rest hair are DRY!!!